Rush Running Race Team

Meet the 2025 Team

  • Leah Avery

    Hi! I am Leah Avery. I began running in 2011 shortly after retiring from my collegiate swimming career at the University of Arkansas (Go Hogs!) as a way to stay active and continue to challenge myself. I started off all in with completing my first marathon a few months later and I have been hooked ever since! My favorite running memory was running the New York City marathon in 2023 after a few hard marathons prior to that. It was the first race in a long time that I truly enjoyed myself. I bought my first pair of running shoes at Rush in 2011 and I believe I have the store and this wonderful community that comes with it to thank for my running journey so far!

  • Madysen Bailey

    I’m Madysen Bailey. I started running casually in 2018 after a couple of hip surgeries, mainly as a way to feel grateful. I also missed the competitiveness I had from swimming, which was my sport growing up. Things really started to click when I started attending Rush hour speed sessions and took off even more when I joined the Bentonville Half Marathon training group in 2022. That eventually led to running my first marathon in Chicago last year! I’m so thankful for the running community here in NWA for a lot of things but especially for helping me grow in my confidence along the way.

  • Daniel Becker

    I’m Daniel Becker (married to Stephanie). I started running in 2009. I’ve been on the race team as long as I can remember. I have run races from 5K’s to marathons. I was the race director for Larry’s Run for Cystic Fibrosis for 10 years. I enjoy volunteering with the half marathon training group and helping others reach their goals.

  • Stephanie Becker

    I’m Stephanie Becker, married to Daniel Becker (also on Race Team). I used to fake being sick to get out of running in school. Fast forward to my 30’s and I started running to lose baby weight. I’ve run 5K-50K distance and will be running the Boston Marathon 2024. Running has given me so much confidence and even though I have lupus, I’m in the best shape of my life. My favorite race is the Bentonville Half Marathon. My favorite running memory is when Mike Rush officiated our wedding. Although I wasn’t running a race, I was running to the altar to marry Daniel. Rush Running gives back so much to our community and I am so proud to be a small part of that.

  • Kristin Behl

    Hi everyone! Kristin Behl and I’m your resident introvert and non-hugger! I’ve been running for 10 years and I’ve run every distance from a 5k to 200 (yes, that’s miles). My daughter Karis (14) does not run. She is Quiz Bowl Captain and a HUGE TSwift fan. I can’t wait be part of the 2025 Rush Race Team!

  • Gretchen Brewer

    Hi, my name is Gretchen Brewer. I started running later in life after some weight loss to continue a more healthy and active lifestyle. I joined the Bentonville half marathon training program and ran my first half in 2014. I have been on the race team since 2019. I have participated in distances from 5K to 50K. My favorite memories include completing my first marathon and my first 50K! Rush running is not just supportive to the race team family but highly supportive to the greater running community of NWA. I am proud to be a part of that!

  • Laura Brown

    I'm Laura Brown. I used to wonder why people would pay to run races. I was just a casual runner. When I turned 50, I made a goal to run 5 5k's over the next year. That was 2019. I ended up running 13. The next year I figured why not sign up for a 10k and then at end of the year I talked myself into signing up for the Bentonville Half Training Group and train for a half marathon. I didn't run in rain. I didn't run before 7am. All that changed when I met people with different ideas that year. I have been talked into some races I probably wouldn't have run if it weren't for the influences of others from half marathons hours away to trail races like War Eagle, Dirt Circus and last year I ran a Ragnar race with people that have become like family over the years because who wants to run alone? I have definitely been stretched outside of my comfort zone over the years. This community is all inclusive and encouraging, no matter what your pace or ability, and I'm so glad to be a part of it. I feel so fortunate to be on this team. Rush Running has people with so much knowledge and all are so helpful and welcoming. Continued encouragement and support is what I get when I am at the store or out at events and around town.

  • Miles Witt Boyer

    I have been an athlete all of my life but after a total freak accident in 2017 I was told that I may never be able to run again. That sentence rocked my world. The idea that I might not be able to chase my kids around the backyard made me instantly sick. After months of rehab trying to get mobility back and fix some of the nerve damage my trainer asked what I wanted most out of all of this training. "I want to be able to run" almost spilled out of my mouth without me knowing where it had come from. Not long after the world shut down because of the pandemic, my gym was closed and I was left with a leg that would let me run, an odd desire to do it, and no real experience. Perpetually juggling rehab and making sure I'm being smart with joints that have been through a lot running has become a part of my life and Rush has been there from the very beginning. It was Rush Running that sold me that very first pair of running shoes while I was still in rehab. Rush that sold my son his first pair or running shoes to start training for junior high XC, a sport we now get to do together. Rush has been a positive, encouraging, and inviting place for me from the days when I was scared to run, until the early days calling myself a runner, and into today where I can firmly say that the best part of my week is often time spent out on a trail somewhere doing something I never knew I could love this much.

  • Sarah Bunch

    Hello, I'm Sarah Bunch. I started running in 2018 after deciding I wanted to prove to myself that I could do something I'd never done before. I signed up for the Bentonville Half Marathon training group. I've been running ever since. I've run numerous 5k's, 10k's and half marathons. My greatest running accomplishment to date is completing the Chicago Marathon in 2024. What is there not to love about Rush Running! Everyone is so knowledgeable & helpful. I’m so excited to be a part of the race team!

  • Mike Burnett

    Hi I'm Mike Burnett. I started running in early 2014 when my employer at the time had an extra entry to the Cancer Challenge and it's stuck ever since. I joined the Bentonville Half Training Group that fall as a way to keep off the sympathy pregnancy weight as we were expecting our first child. Have run the Bentonville half and the race series every year since and always looking forward to them. Have also hit several other halfs in the area and one of my favorite 5ks has been at Disney's Castaway Cay. The running community here in Bentonville/NWA is one of the biggest things that keeps me out there and there's not a friendlier more knowledgeable store than Rush Running.

  • Jennifer Bushong

    Hi, my name is Jennifer Bushong and I’m excited to be a part of the Rush Running team! 10 years ago I started working at Washington Junior High and Stephanie Becker emailed me, welcoming to the school and invited me to go on some runs after school. Since that email, I have ran several half marathons and races, made many friends, and am still great friends with Stephanie. I’m married and have two cute kiddos, Ellyson and Peyton. I hope one day they will be wearing a Rush jersey, too! I now work at Barker Middle School and hope to bring a joy of running to kids at school. Rush Running is more than a store, it’s a community of great people. I look forward to racing alongside each of you this year!

  • Tyler Carmical

    Hi! I'm Tyler Carmical, My wife Hannah and I have two kids. Ezekiel (7) and Phoebe (4). When I don't have my hands full with them, you can find me running or reading. I ran my first half marathon in 2014 and, of course, got my first real pair of running shoes from Rush. I caught the bug that day and haven't looked back. I started chasing faster times and eventually worked up to the marathon distance. I ran my first marathon in 2017. My current marathon PR Is 3:11 at the 2024 Hogeye Marathon. I love the marathon process—the structure of a training block, the steady grind of long runs, and the sense of accomplishment that comes from testing the work you’ve put in on race day. Running means so much more because of the community. My closest friendships have been built over countless miles together. There’s something special about working toward goals alongside others, whether it’s sharing encouragement on tough runs or racing to the port-a-potty together. For me, running isn’t just about the miles—it’s about the people who make every step worthwhile.

  • Hannah Carter

    I’m Hannah Carter. I think Trey and I joined the race team in 2016ish? It’s SO hard to pick a favorite running memory because so many awesome trips and memories have happened, but finishing my first 100 miler in Memphis with my whole family right there was pretty epic. My husband was the best crew chief/pacer, my oldest son stayed up all night to help crew for me, my youngest son provided comedic relief for everyone around, and my parents came out and fed my crew and pacers a few times! The Rush crew is my framily! The family I’ve chosen. The store feels like home and I love coming in to pick up my newest pair of shoes, socks, nutrition…whatever. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly and I am so very grateful for all Rush Running has poured into our running community in Northwest Arkansas. I’m not sure you’ll find a more supportive running community than right here, and it’s all because of the love poured in by Rush Running.

  • Trey Carter

    Trey Carter here…what Hannah said about joining the team ... I hold down the Clydesdale section of the team…have run 5k-50k, with a full and a few half Ironmans in the mix. Stopped running for a bit, but have started back and planning on running the half…my favorite running memory is either crewing Hannah for her first 100, multiple pacing/crewing duties with Jarrod or helping out at the best aid station at War Eagle!

  • Jason Collins

    Hi, I’m Jason Collins! My running adventure started when I decided to go from zero to my first 5k in 2 weeks. Through the first 3 miles of that race, all I could think of was how stupid this sport is. Then, when I turned the last corner and heard the crowd roar as I came to the finish line, I was hooked! Since then, I have run distances up to 50k, started volunteering for half marathon training groups, and integrated running and endurance sports into my chiropractic practice. I love to see new runners exceed their expectations and help experienced runners overcome injury and return to form. Rush Running has been vital to my success as a runner and is an invaluable part of the best running community you’ll ever find.

  • Paige Combs

    Hi! I’m Paige Combs. I started my running journey in college as a walk on at Arkansas - Go Hogs! I joined race team sometime in 2021 when I gained an interest in marathon training. My favorite running memories are getting early miles and laughs in with my 5:15am group. Rush Running has blessed my life incredibly - introducing me to a community of people who enjoy the same things I do and support each other’s goals. My favorite experience in my rush jersey so far has been racing the 2023 Boston marathon!

  • Drew Conner

    I'm Drew. I've known Mike and Ali Rush since 2002, before there was a Rush Running Company...and I can confirm that they've always been psycho about running, supporting others in their running adventures, and building community. So them owning and operating a running store just makes a ton of sense. I was one of their first employees, starting in August of 2008...and helped them grow an incredible business for 14+ years. I'm proud of that...and proud to continue to have Mike and Ali as friends after all these years. To say that Rush Running has changed my life for the better would be a vast understatement. I like to run A LOT. My happy place is 100+ miles/week. Racing is fine. 5k? Sure. 50-miles? Sure. It's all fun. But the training, hard work, and sharing miles with friends is what I love most. Hit me up...let's run together!

  • Kelsey Coupaud

    Hey, I’m Kelsey! You can usually find me working at Rush Running or out running with the Wolfpack. My running journey started in 2021, just after I graduated high school. After six years of competitive cheer, running became my way to stay active, but it quickly turned into so much more. It might sound dramatic, but running—and the community that comes with it—has truly been a lifeline for me. The runner I was when I started, would never believe I’m now part of the Rush Running Race Team. I’m beyond excited to be part of this incredible group! If you wanna follow more of my running journey plus some other things…follow my instagram @wellnesswithkels_

  • Amanda Danenhauer

    I’m Amanda Danenhauer! I started running in high school as a way to rehab after knee surgery and just never stopped. Whether it’s racing the clock, chasing my three energetic boys around or in the stands cheering on my husband and the Har-Ber Wildcat football team, I am always on the move. With such full days you’ll mostly find me logging miles at some offensive hour before the sun comes up. I am competitive, self motivated and if you show up for a run and tell me how far you want to go I will make up a route on the fly and get you back to your car within a tenth of a mile. Every. Single. Time. It’s my super power!

  • Samantha Dapkewicz

    My name is Samantha, and I started running later in life, and it changed my life. Who would have thought that “running” could have that big of an effect on someone’s life? Probably all of you. My favorite running memory is when I finished my first 5K. It was the first race I had ever ran, and I didn’t realize when I had signed up that the race didn’t give out medals at the end. My cousin surprised me and was able to have one made for me. He gave it to me once I crossed the finish line. It’s the best one I’ve ever received. I love the Rush Running community and I am so happy I am a part of it!

  • Benjie Davis

    Hi, my name is Benjie! I grew up in Pennsylvania, Washington, and Central Arkansas, and have been in NWA since 2024. I started running recreationally when I was in college at UCA, and I love being able to share my love of running with other people. I am the manager of Rush Running Fayetteville, so come say hi sometime! When I'm not running, I enjoy playing the guitar, skating, playing soccer, and hanging with friends. I am super thankful and excited to be on the Rush Running Race Team!

  • Will Dunlap

    I'm Will Dunlap. I got into running a long time ago, back in Middle School. My mom would drag me out of bed at 6am on Saturdays and run with her to stay in shape for basketball. After a while, I started enjoying the running thing and have never looked back. My favorite running memory is crossing the finish line at my first marathon (Kiawah Island Marathon). Miles 22-25 were brutal physically and mentally but the sense of accomplishment and relief afterwards is something I will never forget. I love Rush Running because Mike and his team have cultivated an incredible running community in NWA. They work tirelessly to help others meet their running goals.

  • Sara Elliott

    Hi, I’m Sara! I joined the race team in 2024. My favorite running memory was finishing my first marathon - the Hogeye Marathon in 2021! One running buddy ran the whole marathon with me, and the rest of our running crew signed up for the marathon relay to take turns running with us. I cried when I hit that finish line! Rush Running Co. is a special place because they treat everyone who walks in the door like an Olympic athlete. I remember taking my mom there for a gate analysis - for walking - and she was cared for just like a pro athlete. Everyone at the store shares advice and doesn't mind swapping running stories whenever I stop by. I started running in 2011 while on a weight loss journey, and I've never looked back. I have a goal to run a race in all 50 states, and I'm more than halfway there! I'm married to a former XC runner...who can still outrun me even though I run 10x the what he does each week (and yes, that makes me so mad...) Our two sons ran college track. My best friends are running friends, and my day just doesn't feel right if I don't start it with a run. I can be talked into almost any crazy running adventure: running in the middle of the night, flying to Washington to run a marathon, or running miles that aren't on my training plan just so a friend isn't alone - which is how I ended up running a marathon in Washington!

  • Jennifer Faddis

    Hi! I’m Jennifer Faddis. I was a competitive runner in Jr High School and continued with some 10ks through High School, but didn’t pick running back up until 2016 when my oldest started running XC. Since then, all of my family have become runners! I joined the Rush Running Race team in 2020. My favorite running memory has to be completing War Eagle 50k with my husband who wasn’t a runner until a couple years before. He came over to the dark side! Ha! The community that Rush has fostered is nothing short of family. And when you walk into the store you feel that. They care about each runner no matter where they are in their running journey. And the wealth of knowledge by the staff will help you accomplish what ever your running goals are! I’m so proud to be a part of this team!

  • Adam Fortin

    I’m Adam Fortin, let me take you on a wild journey down memory lane! Picture this: back in 2014 or 2015, there I was, seamlessly morphed into the team without a grand entrance or confetti showers. Nope, just one day, bam! I'm on the team, ready to conquer the world. Now, when it comes to races, I've got a need for speed, but nothing quite tickles my fancy like a good ol' marathon. Give me those endless stretches of road, and I'm in my element. But don't get it twisted, I'll chase down any road race like a cheetah after its prey—just keep me away from the off-road shenanigans! Rush Running, the beacon of light in our running community. Seriously, without them there would be less camaraderie, fewer epic races, and hardly any groups to train with. So, here's to Rush Running, the reason behind so many of our running memories.

  • David Fowler

    Hi, my name is David. I’m new to the race team, I joined in 2024. I started running consistently about 8 years ago to lose weight and get healthy. I discovered how much I enjoy running and haven’t stopped since! There are so many great running memories. I’m thankful for all the sunrises and friendships running has brought me. Outside of the joy of the daily grind, I really enjoyed the 2023 Chicago Marathon. I’ll never forget the goose bumps I got while out on course learning that a world record had been set, and seeing my family cheer squad at miles 3, 13 and 26.2 was pretty amazing as well. Rush Running means the world to me. I don’t think I would have found my love of running without the culture, support and inspiration they provide NWA.

  • Margaret Griffing

    Hi! I’m Margaret Griffing. I did my first half marathon in San Francisco 16 years ago and have been hooked since. I have four kids ages 5-12 and when I’m not running with my 4:15 group, I’m running them around town. I have lived in NWA since 2013 and couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. I have been part of the race team since 2017 and I’m so inspired by Rush Running. We have THE BEST running community! I look forward to the Bentonville Half every year where I get to see all my running friends in one place.

  • Callie Guenther

    I started running because I wanted to set an example for my 2-year-old daughter—not just in fitness but in showing her the value of setting goals, pushing limits, and finding joy in movement. What began as a personal challenge quickly became something bigger: a way to carve spend more time with my little, connect with a like-minded community, and embrace all the joys and challenges that come with training. My favorite running memories are our Saturday morning group runs, where my little one joins in. Seeing her excitement and curiosity on our early morning training runs reminds me why I started in the first place. Those shared moments—while she’s riding along in her stroller—are some of the most rewarding parts of my journey. What I love most about Rush Running is how genuinely welcoming the team has been. Moving to a new place can be daunting, but this community made me feel at home right away. The encouragement, camaraderie, and shared passion for running have made all the difference, and I’m grateful to be part of a group that lifts each other up every step of the way.

  • Jenny Guzman

    OMGs I am so excited! My name is Jenny Guzman and have been running for about 2ish years! I completed my first half, full and ultra my first year and now I am hooked! I have two beautiful daughters Evelyn (19) who is currently a Sophomore at the University of Arkansas (WOO PIG!) + Valerie (8) who is in 3rd grade and loves gymnastics. I am so excited to be a part of the Rush Running community!

  • Michael Herald

    Hi, my name is Michael Herald. I’ve been running since 2012, and it has truly changed my life. Running helped me lose 100 pounds and push myself in ways I never thought possible. My first big goal was completing the Bentonville Half Marathon in 2013, which became a tradition I look forward to every year. Over the years, I’ve tackled a variety of race distances—from 1-mile fun runs to full marathons—and I enjoy the challenge each one brings. One of my favorite running memories is racing the Outback in the Ozarks 200-mile team relay with my running friends. The mix of endurance, teamwork, and the shared experience of running through the night made it an unforgettable adventure. I’m also incredibly thankful for Rush Running and everything they do for the local running community. Their knowledgeable staff has helped me find the right gear and training advice over the years. NWA wouldn’t be the same without them!

  • Cindy Hicks

    Hi I’m Cynthia “Cindy” Hicks. I’m a late bloomer to running; I started about 7 years ago after relocating to NWA. It was difficult to meet people when I first moved here and a new friend encouraged me to run as a way to meet people. I never saw running as something that was for me but quickly learned running is for everyone. Now I’m addicted and sign up for just about any race I hear about and try to “encourage” friends to join me. Now I have a crazy goal of running a race in every state. I am a volunteer for the Bentonville Half Training Program and love encouraging others and helping them reach their goals. It’s hard to pinpoint a favorite running memory. To me all of my runs are memorable because they are done with friends. I love shopping at Rush Running because of the positive vibe the store has as well as the knowledgeable staff. They are a local owned business that gives back to the community.

  • Ty Hoffine

    I’m Ty Hoffine. I joined the Rush Running Team in 2019. I was never a runner until I took a desk job and decided I needed to do something so I trained for my first 5k. From there I’ve run distances up to marathons and even a few triathlons. Even though I’ve only officially been a part of the Race Team since 2019, I’ve been running with Rush at Monday Night Speed since 2008. Rush Running has been an integral part of the running community over the years and continues to this day.

  • Ryan Holler

    Hi, I’m Ryan! I’m originally from Augusta, Arkansas, I moved from Conway to Bentonville in 2006. After devoting most of my sports activities to basketball through my 20s, I eventually started running. I met Mike Rush in 2008, when he ran up to me IN THE MIDDLE OF A 5K RACE in Springdale, to ask me about my yellow shoes (which were unusual back then). I was racing, gasping for air, and he was jogging and laughing. I told him I had designed the shoes (my profession) and that I would prefer to talk after the race, when I could breathe. I also met Ali that day. She was pregnant with Miles. They were directing the race, and he told me they were about to open a running store. I became a regular at the store, track workouts, and group runs. Mike coached me to lower my half marathon PR by 15 minutes the first year. We all ran Boston together in 2010, and in 2014 Mike was my pacer for the Western States 100. Those are only a couple of MANY great memories. Running has been a huge part of my life for the last 18 years, and my friendship with Mike and being on the Rush Race Team is an integral part of it.

  • Michelle Hood

    I'm Michelle Hood, and I'm thrilled to be on the Rush Race Team. Other than being the only girl in my Jr. High willing to run a mile, I started running casually in college as a means to get exercise. I ran my first race, the Chicago Marathon 5k back in 1996. A few years later, I ran the Chicago Marathon and barely made it across the finish line. Since then, I have enjoyed a lifelong journey of learning ways to improve my running and invest in my health. I have many great running memories and they are all tied to epic unexpected fun. Enjoying life, that is what running is about. That is also what I love about Rush Running. As serious as we all try to get with challenging ourselves, this team is a great reminder that we also need to enjoy this journey, laugh at ourselves, see the world around us, as well as encourage and help each other.

  • Prafull "PJ" Jain

    Hi, I’m PJ! I started running in my 40s after years of watching others and wondering why they ran without any apparent goal. Curiosity led me to try it, and in December 2018, I joined the Bentonville training group to begin my journey. By April 2019, I completed my first half marathon, and by November, I achieved my first full marathon. Running has been a transformative experience ever since. One of my favorite running memories is crossing the finish line of my first marathon—it was a moment of pure accomplishment that I’ll never forget. What I love most about Rush Running is the sense of community. Being part of the Rush Running Race Team feels like being part of a family that constantly inspires and supports one another. Running has not only improved my life but also allowed me to inspire others to chase their goals.

  • Allie Kaminski

    Hi, I’m Allie Kaminski. I joined the race team in 2018. I started running in 2016 after my college volleyball career ended and needed a way to stay active and set/achieve new goals for myself. I very anxiously joined my first Rush speed workout (literally did not know which direction you ran around a track) in 2017 and the rest is history. My favorite running memory is October 2021 when I Boston Qualified by six seconds. Running down the finish shoot with the crowd screaming at me to sprint to BQ was a moment I will never forget. I got to run Boston the following spring while pregnant with my daughter, Ember. Rush Running has changed my life in ways I never thought possible. Mike & Ali have built a community here in NWA that is like no other and I am so thankful for that.

  • Justin Kaminski

    My name is Justin Kaminski, or as most people know me, “Allie’s husband.” Been part of the race team since 2018. I’m convinced they keep me around to get the average height of the team up. When I run it’s mostly because I love my wife and it makes her happy. I’d like to consider myself a part time runner, part time stroller pusher these days. My favorite running memory was the first 8 miles of my 3rd Bentonville half. Allie ran with me extra slow so that I wouldn’t have to run it by myself. The second part of that race is simultaneously my worst running memory where I pushed too hard down Walton and blew up 5 minutes later, ending in the medical tent at the finish. Mike and Ali have been so good to my family and I am very appreciative of all they do for NWA. Our lives would not be the same without them.

  • Kevin Kelly

    Kevin Kelly here. Started running consistently around 2012, got invited onto the race team around 2014. Love the fact that Rush and the race team is a big family that would do anything for each other. Won't ever be the fastest but so far have run everything from 50k's and down. Never ruling out going longer at some point though. Favorite races would be: 1st marathon just because it was Maui and beautiful the whole race; Revel Vegas because who couldn't have fun when almost all of NWA run community took over Vegas and everywhere you went you knew people; And War Eagle and Back 40 because whether it's running or helping I love the trail races and it's always a party in the woods with the best people around.

  • Steven Ko

    Hi! My name is Steven Ko. I have been running since July 2015 and have run every race distance from a 5K to 50 miler. My favorite running memory is watching my friends come crew and offer support for me all day so I could cross the finish line for my first 50 miler. What I love about Rush Running is how truly inclusive they are. They meet runners where they are, from the brand new runners just getting out the door for the first time, to the seasoned veteran ultrarunner. Rush Running is just a wealth of knowledge from friendly employees that helped get many of us started on our running journey!

  • Paul Krapf

    I'm Paul Krapf. I started running in 2014 when our son, who was in 6th grade at the time and had never run before, told us he wanted to run a half marathon. I took him to his first few training sessions and ran alongside him - and I was hooked. Before that, I never really understood why anyone would run just for the sake of running. Growing up, I played soccer, basketball and baseball, so any running I did always involved kicking, dribbling, or hitting a ball. My favorite running memory is from November 2024, at the CNO Monumental Half Marathon in indianapolis. After 4 years of trying, I finally sent a new personal record, knocking nearly 4 minutes off my previous time. What I love most about Rush Running Is their commitment to growing and supporting the running community here Northwest Arkansas. They truly serve as a resource for everyone, regardless of age or skill level.

  • Cassi Lapp

    I am Cassi Lapp and was a casual runner through college then decided in 2009 to train for my first real race, the Outerbanks Half Marathon. That remains my favorite running memory because my dad, who died the following year, was there to cheer me on. I ran the first ever Bentonville Half Marathon after that in 2010 and was hooked. I run to keep my sanity, lower my anxiety, and spend time with friends, but also to stay healthy and set a good example for my 4-year-old son. I have watched Rush Running since the first half here facilitate a regional running lifestyle among NWA residents by promoting running as a fun activity that anyone can do, not just elite athletes (which I am definitely not). And through my job where I get to help put on trail events, I have been lucky to become good friends with the people who make that magic happen.

  • Bobby Le

    Hi! My name is Bobby Le. I have been running since April 2013. I have run races from 5k to 100 miles and almost everything in between. I’m the guy who once ran 69 miles in his cul-de-sac. My favorite running memory is finishing my first 100-miler with my family around me. Rush is a tremendous running store, but I love that they give back to the local running community.

  • Ben Ledbetter

    Hey hey, I’m Ben! I’m a husband, dad of 2 girls, work at Rush Running and coach XC/TF at John Brown University. I’ve been on the race team since I started working at Rush in 2022. I’ve been running since the 7th grade. 17 years later and I’m still putting myself through the wringer of training. Looking back over all these years, I think the best moment of my running life is the first time my oldest daughter wanted to race a mile cross country race with me. The best thing about Rush is how involved and caring they are for the local community. I haven’t experienced a more open group in all my years of running!

  • Kristen Leone

    Hi! I’m Kristen Leone, originally from Memphis, and I moved to NWA in 2021. I started running when I was 9 years old and running quickly became my passion! I ran track and XC in high school and my freshman year of college at SEMO. I spent about 10 years working at a couple of local run shops (in Chattanooga and Memphis), I also had the privilege of being the assistant track and XC coach at St. Agnes for 6 years. I have too many running memories to count, but the best ones involve running trips and adventures with friends. I enjoy running all the distances, 5k-50k, but really love a good 10 miler or half marathon. Since moving to NWA, I’ve found an amazing running community, with Rush Running at the heart of it. I’m excited to be a part of the team and get even more involved in community.

  • Cord & Kayle Leonhardt

    Hi everyone! Kayle and I joined the race team several years ago but not sure exactly which year. We both started running around 2001 for a healthier lifestyle and quickly found a running community that encouraged us to keep pushing and challenging ourselves to reach goals that we never thought possible. We both have ran many marathons and our favorite race was the Disney Dopey challenge. Running that challenge was great, but the best part of it was the memories from all the group training runs and the amazing times we had during the races with all our friends. Kayle had a cycling accident a few years ago that has limited her activities and she spends her time volunteering at races. I can be found on the roads and trails running almost everyday of the week.

  • Keri Letson

    Hi, my name is Keri! I have been on the Race Team since 2013. I started running again in 2008 and ran the occasional 5K here and there. In 2011, on a whim, I signed up for the very first Half Marathon Training Group and ran my very first Bentonville Half that spring. That was the start of my true running journey! I've run every distance between 5K and Marathon since then. My favorite running memory is setting my half marathon PR at Winslow (If you know, you know....) I love our running community and I love working at Rush and helping everyone on their running journey!

  • Adam Lewis

    I'm Adam Lewis. I started running in 2016 and was active until 2018 and took a few years off and started back up in 2024. My wife was the biggest motivation in getting me into running. She has done a few marathons and half marathons prior to us moving here to NWA. My favorite part about running is the community and support from everyone involved. I've enjoyed going into Rush to find my next pair of running shoes and for my running fuel. I appreciate their support for the youth programs around the area.

  • Beth Lunde

    Can I do this later… Coming soon :)

  • Aly Lyles

    Hi there! Aly Lyles here! The Lyles fam has officially been part of the race team since 2021. We were inspired by many of the other runners in this group to serve our community, support Rush running, and inspire a love for running in others. One of my favorite running memories is one of my besties (Allie Kaminski) showing up at my house, after having my baby, and saying “How far are we going today? Are we walking or running?” This is in addition to the runs I get with my husband, Taylor Lyles, every once in a blue moon now. Rush is a breath of fresh air. Whether it is at the store, at a race, or out on the trials, the big red R is always accompanied by a smile, a wave, and a “go get em”!

  • Taylor Lyles

    Taylor Lyles here! Running was always a means to an end for me until I got serious after running my first half and loving it. Finding the contagious running community in Bentonville that Rush has cultivated is what really hooked me on running for the long haul. By far the best part of running for me is having a captive audience to tell my dad jokes to because we are going the same direction! You wont find me in the dirt but if there is pavement involved you will find me in that red Rush R.

  • Danielle Many

    Hi, I’m Danielle Many. Originally from GA, having moved to NWA for 16years. This is home & I love this community where we get to play outside almost 365 days a year! I got into running after doing well at the “Mabry Mile” in middle school, when I beat the boys, ha! I went on to run competitively in HS & college. I have a husband (Chris) & 2 grown sons (Matthew & Sam). I took a hiatus from running between getting married & having kids. But picked it back up to chase after said kids! It wasn’t until I moved to NWA that I started training due to a co-worker & I needing some sanity from the work grind. I did my 1st half-marathon when I was 37. Got into triathlons in my early 40s & LOVED learning new disciplines (swim/bike) & still getting to run. All the while still trying to keep up with any & everybody that I have the pleasure of running alongside! I’ve dedicated this year to getting back to the sport I fell in love with back at the “Mabry Mile”, RUNNING, sprinkled in with some swimming & biking! Look forward to reconnecting & getting to know all of the team!!

  • Leah Martin

    I’m Leah! A Bentonville native and my ability to get lost in a city I’ve lived in since I was 11 is actually quite impressive. As a competitive gymnast in my former life, I’ve always been active. But because FOMO runs deep in my bones, I started running when I was 31 as a way to hang out with friends. And now, 7 half marathons, 3 marathons, and a BQ later, I’m still in it for the relationships I’ve built while logging miles with some of my favorite people! I’m your resident hype girl, mostly up for anything running friend! I’ll abandon my own workout in a heartbeat to join yours if it means we can be together. Unless your workout involves hills—then I’m probably "sick" that day. I trained for and ran my first half marathon in shoes a size too small, which I got from a garage sale. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. A friend suggested I go to Rush and get properly fitted for shoes, and between my oldest daughter and me, we’ve probably been paying Rush’s electric bill every month since. I’m sure of it. Rush has changed the game for the running community here in NWA in the best way, and it’s such a gift to be part of this race team!

  • Phetsamone Matt

    I’m Phetsamone but go by “Pat!” Team newbie here, I joined the race team in 2024. I grew up running while playing sports but never took running seriously or considered myself a runner until moving to Arkansas. I won’t ever be the fastest runner out there, but so far have run many 5ks and 10ks, the Bentonville Half Marathon every year since 2015, the Chicago Marathon, the infamous Square to Square Marathon, War Eagle Trail Races and many more. I still remember buying my very first running shoes from Mike Rush at Rush Running when the store was on Walton. Mike and Ali are some of the best people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. They built the most welcoming and amazing running community for us.

  • Susan Matthews

    Hey y’all! I’m Susan. I started my running journey when I decided to sign up for the Bentonville Half Marathon Training Group in Sept 2017 and then ran my first race (the BHM in 2018). Boy did I make a great decision! Training for that race is still my favorite running memory as it was so full of firsts. What started as a “one and done” turned into numerous Half Marathons (as well as unknown numbers of 5Ks, 10Ks, and 25Ks). I’ve also completed some 50Ks and hope to complete a 100 miler someday. I’m not fast, but I like to go far. I can’t imagine this journey without Mike, Ali and all the crew with Rush Running. They are all so supportive and knowledgeable. They genuinely want to help make you as successful as you choose to be. I am so glad to be a part of the Race Team and to be able to help others on their running journey!

  • Ethan McCarthy

    What's up! I'm Ethan McCarthy. I began distance running right after high school and instantly began to love the training process, continually testing my limits, running clubs, and of course an occasional runner's high! My best memories of running are undoubtedly the early-morning long runs while the sun is rising. Rush Running has been so special to my life as a constant (incredibly positive) running community! So grateful to be able to represent as apart of the Race Team!

  • Trista McGinley

    Hi! I’m Trista McGinley and I fell in love with running in the 8th grade when my track coach couldn’t find a spot for me. He decided to send me with the distance squad and I came back in decent time with a smile on my face and haven’t looked back! That singular decision led me to a collegiate running and set me on the coaching path. Thanks, Coach! I’m blessed to get to coach at Bentonville High School and love sharing my running passion with the youth. My favorite running memory has to be experiencing the start line of the Boston Marathon-absolutely nothing compares- but all the local runs with my friends that led me to that point also are my favs. Rush Running is an incredible business and I’m so grateful for the emphasis on community they place at the forefront of all they do. It matters and we are blessed as a community to have them!

  • Jennifer Meister

    Hi I’m Jennifer Meister. I began running in 2019 after a large weight loss. Running has been everything I had hoped it would be, and more. I have ran 5k all the way to marathons since then. My current favorite running memory is running the 2024 Chicago marathon with my friend/training partner. Memories from that day from that day are seeing my daughters and husband cheering at different parts of the race, experiencing all of Chicago’s diverse neighborhoods, and seeing my friend finish her first marathon.

  • Pauline Mohler

    My husband Mark and I joined the team around 2010. I was forced to run as cheerleader at the University of Memphis so didn’t do a whole lot after that until being part of the team. Since then I have embarked on a journey that has stretched my limits, from races encompassing up to 50 miles to completing a couple Ironman triathlons. I love the camaraderie that Rush Running brings to the community. It’s like one big huge family. My family has also run at Disney a lot and it all started when we were in Rush Running (in 2010) and asked what the Goofy Challenge was. Well, what seemed so daunting then has become something our family and friends have completed numerous times now, including 3 Dopey Challenges!

  • Karen Odell

    Hi! My name is Karen, I started running 20 yrs ago at the age of 33. A stay at home mom with 4 kids, I decided to join a gym to get out of the house and de-stress! Ha! I hopped on the treadmill and the rest is history. I have ran about 12 half marathons and multiple 5&10k's but my greatest memory was after all these years of telling myself I would never run a marathon I took the leap and signed up (possibly with a little peer pressure from my running friends lol)and crossed the finish line in Chicago this past October with my oldest daughter and the Wolfpack group cheering me on!! I know if it were not for Rush running and this community I would have never done it. That's what I love about Rush running. When I moved here almost 3 years ago I knew no one and didn't really know where I belonged but Rush Running, Mike, the store and the community has always met me with a smile and a word of encouragement and i have been welcomed into this community with arms wide open!

  • Stephen O'Neal

    Hi, I’m Stephen O’Neal. I have been on the racing team for a few years. I have been “Running with Rush” as far back as I can remember. Mike and I both grew up in NWA so our running calendars would often align. I have a multitude of great running memories but my favorite runs these days are typically the first ones back after an injury. I am constantly inspired by runners new and old that are brave enough to lace up their shoes and chase big goals! The staff at Rush Running can ensure you have the gear and knowledge needed to cross the finish line!

  • Mandy Ozimek

    Hey all! I’m Mandy Ozimek … aka MandO. I’ve been part of the Rush Team since its inception around 2008 and have had the privilege of knowing Mike and Ali since they opened their first shop in Bentonville. I’ve run everything from 5ks to 100 mile races and I’ve met some of my best friends because of the NWA running community. I’m a wife, dog-mom to the 2 best Vizslas around, daughter to ultra marathoners (shout out to my parents) foodie, wine lover and world traveler. If you wanna talk about dogs, drink wine, plan a trip or run some miles… let’s chat… but know that I’m probably bringing the pups. See you on the trails!

  • Naomi Parker

    Hey! I’m Naomi! I started running in high school and became an avid runner in 2020. What started as a way to run away from stress (literally!) quickly turned into a true passion. A standout memory is when Mike Rush persuaded me to upgrade from the 13-mile to the 20-mile race the night before Back40 trail race. I sprinted to the finish, and despite my exhaustion, Mike said with a smile that I should’ve signed up for the 40-miler! I’m drawn to Rush for its supportive community of passionate runners who continually inspire me to improve. You’ll find me at Rush Hour on Mondays, local races, or helping lead the Cosmic Run Club on Saturdays!

  • Jarrod Pate

    It’s your boi, Jarrod here. Not sure exactly when I joined the race team, but I’ve been in therapy for the last 6 years. Too many awesome memories to list just one, so here are a few, running my first marathon back home in Cincy, all the training miles in the woods with Reeves as I trained for my first 100, having Fortin and Carter as pacers, running the harder Bandera 100k than Mike-Alison, but if I really have to boil it down to just 1, anything War Eagle related. Favorite thing about Rush Running Co. is meeting the different folks and those folks turning into fam over the years.

  • Jen Pate

    Jen Pate here! When our second baby was about 9 months old in 2012, I realized it was time to retire the maternity jeans and get my rear in gear. I was the student in school who avoided running in PE at all costs, so I used Couch to 5K to literally teach myself how to run, and I fell in love with how it made me feel. Then, Jarrod and I slowly became involved with the local running community and it's been amazing. My favorite running memories are when I came up the Crystal Bridges hill during my second Bentonville Half Marathon and saw Jarrod waiting for me halfway to give me a kiss, and then pushed me to finish the race; my third Bentonville Half Marathon, when Jarrod and I ran the whole race together (a rare event) and he helped me beat my goal time and accomplish a 16 1/2 minute PR; and when HE ran his first 100 miler and I got to be a part of the experience and hug him at the finish line. Rush Running has played a huge part in our running story, and I just adore how committed the Rush family and staff are to NW Arkansas. It doesn't matter how far or how fast you run....they are your biggest fans. We're so lucky to have such support in our community.

  • Sarah Paulin

    Hi, I’m Sarah Paulin! I grew up watching my dad run marathons and caught the running bug myself doing XC and track in high school. After taking many years off (and a couple kids later), I signed up for the training group and ran my first half marathon in 2016. Then my first marathon, which I swore I’d never do, later that year. When I’m not on a marathon training cycle, you’ll often find me at Monday night speed, which is my favorite workout of the week. Rush Running cares so genuinely about helping each runner be their best selves and are always willing to give advice, connect you with other runners, and build community. They helped me revive my love for running and I know I’ll keep moving one foot in front of the other for as many years as I can. It was important for me to be part of that community and pay it forward, so I joined the race team in 2018. Helping with the training group is one of my favorite things! Some of my best running memories: earning my first BQ with Rush teammates and friends at Mt. Charleston marathon, negative splitting the Bentonville half up that bleeping hill, running races with my dad, and passing the torch to the next generation by running with my kids and watching them gain a love for the sport.

  • Grant Pledger

    Hi, my name is Grant Pledger! I started running in 2011 to get back into shape, and lose some weight after college/several years of a desk job. I ran my first half marathon in 2012 and felt like garbage due to poor training after which I decided to get more into running which led me to Rush. Since then I have run races up to a 50 miler. I started running with the Sunday crew in 2014, and joined the team in 2015. Mike introduced me to my wife Katie who is also on the race team in 2016 at the track during Monday night speed then married us in 2018. Running with this team has improved my life in so many ways, and I'm thankful everyday to have been able to be a part of it.

  • Katie Pledger

    I’m Katie Pledger! I started running in college to stay in shape after years of gymnastics and soccer. I ran my first half marathon in 2010 and fell in love with the sport. I joined the race team in 2016. I love being apart of this amazing running community that is so inclusive, welcoming, and encouraging where friends have become family and have helped us through tough times and good times. Mike introduced me to my husband Grant who is also on the race team in 2016 at the track during Monday night speed. Grant proposed to me at the finish line of the Goblin Run in 2017 and Mike married us in 2018. Grant and I look forward to having our son join the family love of running!

  • Mieka Pratt

    Hi I’m Mieka! I’ve been a runner for many years, going back all the way to high school. I have now completed an ultra and have recently been dabbling in triathlons! I’m married to Evan Pratt, who also runs often. I have been working at Rush since the middle of 2024. I then finished my masters in counseling at the end of 2024. I am passionate about mental wellness and integrating that with running and various sports! I’m so excited to be a part of the Rush Running Race Team!

  • Greg Puckett

    Hi, I'm Greg Puckett. In 2010 I feigned interest in running to make friends with a colleague and accidentally fell in love with the sport, now I can't imagine my life without it. I'm a high school Vice Principal when I'm not laced up, it makes me happy to support students and be kind to them. I'm really grateful to Rush Running for being a hub for so many great people in NWA. Ever forward.

  • James Reeves

    I started running when I was a kid with my dad, who was an old school marathon runner. Back before marathons were cool. I moved to Bentonville with my family in 2010 and joined the race team shortly after. In the last 10 years, I have trained for and raced distances from 1 mile (5:12.17) as a 45 year old to 100 mile trail races. This is me at my first 100 miler stuffing my face with a sandwich. Pacing and crewing at Bighorn 100, the Arkansas Traveler, Hardrock 100, Moab 240, racing the 200 mile Outback in the Ozarks with the crew, Square to Square and countless training runs with friends. It really is about creating memories and stories. That's what I love best about the team. The next best thing is being provided a platform to share the gift with others. This community changed my life.

  • Amanda Sakalares

    Hi everyone! My name is Amanda! Some of my earliest childhood memories were going to Rush Running with my mom when she was picking out her training shoes (circa 2010). I, of course, had to follow in her foot steps! My running journey began when my middle school gym coach told me I could get a bigger gym locker if I ran cross country. Sold!! While middle/high school running brought me some of my favorite people, I never found true joy in the sport until after I graduated college. You’ll likely see me dressing to theme for all the local races and doing my easy runs around Bentonville with my sweet dog, Maisie. My favorite running memory was being cheered on by so many people in my support circle at the 2024 Bentonville Half! I set a very ambitious goal for that race, and couldn’t have done it without them (and Mike chasing me into the finish chute)! I have yet to run a marathon, but it’s definitely on my to-do list :)

  • Laura Scudder

    Hi! I’m Laura Scudder. I was a college gymnast. I completed my first marathon a few months after I graduated when I needed to find something new to do. I joined the race team last year. I ran 40 miles when I turned 40 but favorite running memory was the Boston marathon in 2023 running side-by-side with other Rush Running team members. I have lived in many cities in my adult life and I have never found a place like NWA when it comes to the running community. The Rush community has become our family supporting not only the race team members, but our second generation racers (our children) as they begin their journeys to love running and racing. It is amazing to be a part of this group.

  • Kelly Sikorski

    I’m Kelly Sikorski and I joined the race team in 2017ish. I ran sporadically in my 20’s and completed my first marathon in 2004. I did not really start running consistently until 2016 when I joined the Bentonville half marathon training group. Since then I’ve run countless other races, mostly half marathons, a handful of marathons and one 50 miler (thank you Steven Ko). My favorite part of being part of the race team and a volunteer for the training group is the annual run we do every year in honor of my twin sister Jen who died while on a training run. The running scene in Bentonville is like no other and that is due in large part to Mike and Ali Rush and the community they have fostered.

  • Rajnish Singh

    Hi, I’m Rajnish Singh! I’ve been passionate about running and road biking for the last 13 years, primarily as a solo endeavor, until I discovered the Rush Running Bentonville Half Training program. This connection opened doors to a vibrant community of runners, many of whom have become dear friends. The Bentonville running community is wonderfully inclusive, constantly inspiring and motivating members of all ages. I’m particularly grateful to Rush Running for their dedication to sponsoring school events and fostering a love of running across generations.

  • Brittney Skelton

    Brittney Skelton (Aka the crazy picture lady) here! My husband Grant and I have been on the team since 2016. I was a dancer growing up and didn’t start running until my mid-20s. It escalated quickly. Shortly after we started endurance running, we moved from Springdale to Bentonville and plugged in with Rush Running. It was a game changer for our love of running. Qualifying for and running Boston seemed like a distance dream but learning to incorporate speed work, consistency with a solid training plan and accountability of Rush teammates and community made Boston a reality, followed by other exciting races all over the world! Traveling to Europe to represent Rush at the Berlin Marathon with Grant & friends is one of my favorite running memories. A moment where I really soaked in where all running has taken us! Cheering on our two kids, Grahm & Reese, competing in and coaching youth in triathlon, painting & supporting this awesome community are a few of my hobbies outside running.

  • Grant Skelton

    I’m Grant Skelton, I want to say we joined the race team in 2016, but it feels like a lifetime ago! The Rush community is the glue that holds us all together and makes this epic journey amazing. My favorite running memory would have to be when a group of 12 of us did the Outback in the Ozark 200 mile relay.

  • Cyndi Skinner

    Hi, I’m Cynthia (Cyndi) Skinner! I’ve been running most of my life - I’ve had years of intense focus and years I’ve walked away from running only to return again with more humble recognition of how being a part of this sport is what fuels my life. As a self proclaimed ‘world’s okay-est runner’ - I’m here to have fun but also get it done. I have been with the Half Marathon Training group since the beginning as a trainee and now pacer, which introduced me to the best running store in the country: Rush Running. Their support in gear and training got me back from a period of low (several times). I love helping new runners fall in love with distance training. Super excited to be a part of the Rush Running Race team to continue to represent this amazing group of humans!

  • Robert “Dridge” Standridge

    Hi my name is Robert but they call me Dridge. I’ve been on the race team since 2008. I really got in to running to stay in shape while in the Navy. One really cool running memory is running laps around the ship while going through the Panama canal. Another of my favorite running memories is finishing my first marathon, which was the Hogeye Marathon, and said I would never run another one… two days later I signed up for the Tulsa Marathon. Rush Running is an awesome store! Mike's love and passion for running has made the NWA running community what it is today. Thanks for letting me hang around.

  • Angie & Brandon Smallwood

    Brandon and I joined the team a couple of years ago but both got our start with the half marathon training program. I absolutely love that Rush started this to help new people love to run. We both love volunteering and helping others find that love for running as well. We love to run out in the woods and have lots of fun adventures. Running has helped us both do things we never thought possible. This running team is full of amazing people who inspire us all the time.

  • Holly Sutterfield

    My name is Holly Sutterfield. I have been running since junior high school but it wasn't until my adult years that I fell in love with running and seeing the progress that comes with consistency. It is my goal to set an example of a healthy lifestyle for my three young kids ages 7,6, and 2. My son even joins me for torture at the track also known as Rush speed nights. When I'm not running I am teaching Science or watching my boys compete with Team One80 Triathlon.

  • Margaux Thigpen

    Hi! I'm Margaux! I grew up in a family of avid runners, so my earliest memories involved running. However, I grew to love running when I ran the 400 and 800 in college at Washington University in St. Louis. The community it provided and chance to push myself physically and mentally is something I quickly fell in love. Now, I am figuring out a transition to longer distances, but it has been so fun to do at Speed Night every Monday Night. A favorite recent running memory I have is doing Grandma's half Marathon this past summer with my family, my parents and my twin sister. I am so beyond thankful for the community of Rush Running. The way Mike and Ali give back to the community, share their love for running, and foster community here is beyond inspiring. I moved here to NWA almost 2 years ago for law school, and it has been so incredible to witness but also participate in their impact here on the NWA community. I am so excited to be on the team this year!

  • Myra Tubb

    My name is Myra! I first fell in love with running during high school here in Fayetteville. Afterwards, I continued running in college at the University of West Florida. Nowadays I enjoy doing trail races, marathons, and whatever else I randomly sign up for. I teach at a preschool in Rogers and when I’m not working or running, you can find me at the gym, a coffee shop, a brewery, or any other place that is cool.

  • Jason Vore

    Hey running gang! My name is Jason Vore. I moved to Bella Vista 12 years ago and what a great decision it has turned out to be! The inaugural Back 40 Trail Race in 2016 was my first trail race and reignited my passion for the sport. My young daughter ran across the finish line with me, and it remains one of my fondest running memories. My first ultra came the next year at War Eagle 50k. I worked my way up the ultra-distance events and finished my first 100 miler in 2023, after a DNF (mile 78) the previous year at the same race. What I love most about running is how much I learn about myself when the "going gets tough" and I want to quit, which can be often depending on the day. I have been a member of the Trail Adoption Program for 6 years and was the TAP volunteer of the year in 2021. I hope to run the Vol State 500k in 2026, a ten-day journey run across Tennessee created by Lazarus Lake. The entire team at Rush Running is super knowledgeable when helping me choose shoes and running gear for these adventures.

  • John Watson

    Hi - it's me, John Watson. I started running at an early age - I was freeze tag champion of 88 on my street - but I didn't run my first race until 2014, when I ran my first Bentonville Half. I've run more racesthan I can count since that day, from 5ks to marathons to whatever dumb idea may sound good at the time. It's great having Rush Running in our as they give so much back to the local community: from organizing events, Monday night speed sessions, and the best running tips around. In addition to all that, they still sell running products!

  • Dave Weston

    I am Dave Weston. I joined the Rush team shortly after they opened the Bentonville store. My running distance of choice is the marathon. I was challenged to run a marathon in 2000 by a coworker. After running five different marathons, in 2002 I set the goal of running a marathon in all 50 states - still in progress. I love the camaraderie and community of running spirit that Mike and Ali have built. I have met so many wonderful people throughout the running community. My favorite rush running memory are the 5:00 run group runs and all those marathons I have run with other rush runners from the Dopey Challenge with the Mohler’s, Cantwells and Leonharts, Fargo marathon with Shannon McFarland, Jason Knight, Jesse Eaton and Tony Matthews, the NJ marathon with Mike Rush and DK as well as the Thunder Road Marathon with DK.